
Updates and Powermeter Errors

I feel a little guilty with the Zwift click-bait-y-ness of the titles, but it’s become apparent that Zwift has more association and recognition than most of the powermeter brands. It’s a much bigger draw and it also seems to include the crowd of people who use this stuff.

It’s been insanely busy the last week and I am behind on responding to the requests about the Maelstrom Controller. I’ve added a FAQ section that covers the main stuff. Shipping, voltage support, plug support, etc.

The amount of influx due to Ray’s re-blogging was immense. Think 4 – 5 times the forums, video, and Google / Facebook ad’s traffic! Insane. So I guess this might actually solve problem that others have had and not just me.

I have been trying for weekly videos but it’s insanely hard. I took some footage I shot about the problems with crank arm powermeters and posted it this week. They are a special breed but also the most problematic breed of powermeters. They tend to be the most convenient next to pedals, but allow a person to retain choice in pedals. Most powermeter pedals (all?) are Look compatible, but there are weird thickness differences between real Look, Garmin, Assioma, and Powertap so if you’re not in the look camp you’re probably riding something else. Enjoy my mathing.

I’ve been adding to the Github wiki and getting some nRF52 example code working for the Shimano DI2 hacks. I had to scrap my initial few days of work over the weekend because I just don’t like the overly convoluted structures and individual pages that the Nordic examples use. I’m not a great programmer but I swear I don’t know why I need 15 functions that keep handing pointers along a chain when all I need is one. Could be my mech background but I’m write a library that is just a header and a c file.

So will some hope next week or two I’ll have a video demo of the nordic 52DK controlling a cycle computer on the Shimano DI2 profile.