We built it for you.
We're hackers, engineers, designers, and jacks-of-all trades. We ride all styles inside and out. We're our own customers.
Firmware Notes
- Overhaul the buttons system to allow user configuration
- Zwift style hard coding change, defaults internally + supplementary
- Configuration changes to how modes are selected, not backwards compatible
- Slight increase in battery consumption
- Changed battery filtering to deal with advertising while reading giving false battery low
- Added ability to enable steering
- Launch firmware. Hardcoded only
Beta Firmware
- Left button short: power-up (space bar)
- Left button long: Turn Around (down arrow)
- Left button double press: Escape Key (jump from pen in TTT)
- Right button short: Camera View Sequence in order: 6 (head on to rider), 8 (helicopter), 4 (side front left), 1 (default 6 o’clock). [only these views required for racing]
- Right button long: Nothing implemented :S
- Right button double press: Take photo (F10)
- Jacks are Private ANT Channel 1/2 not 3/4
- Wahoo Element and Hammerhead Karoo users where the head unit doesn’t respond to Ch3/4 makes jacks not useful
- Re-Enable BLE features, V6 Candidate
- When used in BLE HID Keyboard mode, Kommander will show as a standard Keyboard. It can therefore only be used with software and applications that accept keyboard inputs. As such Zwift on both MacOS and Windows does accept keyboard commands, however Zwift on mobile or low power devices (iOS, Android, AppleTV) does not as of 2022 support keyboard input, nor does it’s Companion application which is limited to touch input only as far as we are aware.
- Our initial units had some positive battery tab issues driven by PCB fitment in the housing. We are aware of this. We’ve reduced the number of incidents with rolling changes but we know it’s still not perfect.
- We are aware of false positive battery warnings. Please ensure you are on the latest firmware of the application as filtering was improved. Some head units tend to freak out we’ve found.
- Some of this is related to the battery connection. Under vibration the unit disconnects but takes 1 – 2 seconds to discharge the caps, as such when the unit reboots a Windows or macOS computer will reconnect immediately assuming it was just interference. The BLE characteristic must be requested from the host side to update, since the device rebooted and the computer assumes it was just interference the computer thinks it’s requested the update already while the device has not. This means that under these circumstances the batter level gets stuck on a false low. Disconnecting and reconnecting will force the computer to request the battery updates.
- Contact support@titanlab.co for instructions on fixing the battery connection or replacement.
- Since we do not gather information in our apps to protect your privacy, you will not be push notified of firmware updates. The app will notify you only when you open it.
- For custom firmware please use “NRF connect” in the Apple or Android stores from Nordic Semiconductor. The firmware is encrypted but the OTA DFU is based on Nordic’s reference design.