
A brief interlude

This won’t be a trip to the lobby but rather a reflection on the state of sports sensors. If you don’t want to read all of this the short is [ … ]

V3–Power Consumption

The total power consumption doing a read to Serial over USB is approximately 35ma. This is much too high. That means a coin cell (CR2032 at 225mah) setup will likely [ … ]

V3–A little too sensitive?

Coming soon, current consumption measurements! Above is the raw data from the calibration test. I used the setup below with a few weights from my dumbbell that weight approximately 10lbs. [ … ]

V3 Progress

No pictures today. Just a bit of a text update. I’ve received all the components to complete the V3 circuit board. Surface mount soldering by hand is generally difficult, but the AP2 [ … ]

V3 New Circuit Boards

As you can see above the new circuit boards have arrived from Alberta Printed Circuit Boards. These guys have some of the quickest turn around I’ve seen – you do [ … ]

V2 Working Video

This video is just meant to show my V2 prototype working. There is several bugs in the firmware so far, rotatably it doesn’t reset the accumulated torque reading if it hasn’t made [ … ]

V2 Torque Testing

Unfortunately I’ve been sick since Friday and I wanted to get more done this weekend than I did. This evening I felt good enough to record some short testing of [ … ]